Tourism, if driven by communities and not being allowed to be imposed on communities, can be the thing that maintains diversity. That’s because cultural diversity is a strong reason to travel. If everywhere is the same as home, why not stay home?


Respectful partnerships with local communities to achieve common goals and preserve their future.

“Life enriching memories come from the people we meet and shared moments of connection” - GTM

Wayo Africa provide employment to local communities, support street-kid programmes and link with orphanages to provide training and careers for young people.

Wayo Africa provide employment to local communities, support street-kid programmes and link with orphanages to provide training and careers for young people.

People matter. At GTM, we believe that a client’s travel adventure doesn’t stop within the lodge, hotel or camp. Rather it is one element of the experience. Without doubt, the wider experience of meeting and engaging with local communities and individuals provides some of the most memorable and moving moments within your holiday.

Tourism has an important role to play in providing a vital source of income and security to neighbouring communities. Communities that benefit from tourism have a reason to protect. From well-managed employment and training schemes to culturally sensitive community engagement programmes - each and every property owner can do their part.

Properly managed, the tourism dollar can successfully enjoy a trickle down effect where people’s lives can and are impacted positvely by international tourism. What is essential here is the need to ensure it is all done in the correct manner whereby communities are empowered rather than exploited for a mutual benefit.

Each and every one of our clients at GTM provide excellent case studies of how to work successfully with communities. We see it as our job to ensure we use our voice to shout about these successes; encouraging other operators to take up the mantle in their own organisations.

Ndutu Safari Lodge employ over 90 staff, many of whom are the second or third generation to work at the property. The lodge provides an exemplary career development programme which is reflected in the loyalty and commitment of their staff.

This video was created by their wonderful team, only happy staff could create such magic!